22nd Anniversary of craigslist

After 22 years of craigslist, 3 observations:
You know most of what I'd say, so I'll focus on three things, just to get to the point. (I'm overly committed to brevity.) - Listen to regular people in the community, then to the extent possible, get out of the way. I'd like to delegate myself into uselessness. (That ain't bad, leaves me time to do more, then to do more.) - "Doing well by doing good" can be a successful business model. - Sometimes you do the right thing, and you can't talk about it, so get agreements from other parties, ahead of time, so they'll do the right thing and speak up for you.
[Note: I haven't been a spokesman for craigslist, or had any role in management since 2000. Here are 5 reasons why I'm no longer in craigslist management.]
//Photo Credit: Justin Sullivan (Photo was my suggestion, re: the box, to get me to Jim-eye level.)