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NOTE TO JOURNALISTS:  Nowadays, most of Craig's time is spent on philanthropic work and he's not involved in craigslist day-to-day management and doesn't serve as a spokesperson for craigslist. If you are seeking information or comment related to craigslist, please contact

About Craig Newmark Philanthropies
Craig Newmark is a Web pioneer best known for creating craigslist, which he stepped away from running day-to-day two decades ago. Craig’s full-time philanthropic work focuses on supporting organizations protecting America’s security and democracy. He has given more than $300 million in support of veterans and military families, trustworthy journalism and civic engagement campaigns, cyber security education programs, hunger relief, and pigeon rescue. Craig was influenced by his Sunday School teachers who escaped the Holocaust, set his moral compass, and taught him to treat people like you want to be treated – and how to know when enough is enough. He's not as funny as he thinks he is.

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Blog Post

Women Startup Challenge: 10 Finalists Vie for $25K at Microsoft in NYC

Folks, many of you know that I support women in tech as an initiative, but more specifically, Women Who Tech's Women Startup Challenge. I've partnered with 'em to award $25K to the winner of the Challenge. It's pretty simple…Fair's fair, regardless of gender in tech, or it should be.
Blog Post

5 Social Causes I've Taken on Since Leaving craigslist Management in 2000

Folks, I have had no part in craigslist management since 2000, and instead focus my time on philanthropy, and helping out others who are doing good work. I'm frequently asked about the causes I support, so I figured it be helpful to highlight some for you.
Blog Post

How Zidisha, A Microlending Org, Is Changing Lives

Folks, I support Zidisha, an org that was one of the finalists in the Women Startup Challenge. They're the real deal. Julia Kurnia, Founder of Zidisha wrote a guest blog post describing the good work that they do.
Blog Post

Giving Back to San Francisco via Kiva, One Hashtag at a Time

Folks, I've partnered with Kiva for the Kiva City San Francisco initiative.  For every time someone uses the hashtag #LendLocal and  #KivaSF, I'll contribute $5 to Kiva San Francisco, up to $25K.
Blog Post

5 Signs That a Nonprofit is Fake

Last ten years, I’ve plunged into the world of philanthropy, and I’ve seen a lot of good people doing a lot of good for other people.
Blog Post

Calling Women-led Startups: Apply to the #WomenStartupChallenge

At Microsoft in Times Square this November 9, 10 women-led startups will pitch their innovative and disruptive ventures to a panel of investors for the chance to win $25,000. This could be you. Folks, the Craig Newmark Philanthropic Fund (CNPF) has partnered with Women Who Tech for the Women Startup Challenge NYC.