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NOTE TO JOURNALISTS:  Nowadays, most of Craig's time is spent on philanthropic work and he's not involved in craigslist day-to-day management and doesn't serve as a spokesperson for craigslist. If you are seeking information or comment related to craigslist, please contact

About Craig Newmark Philanthropies
Craig Newmark is a Web pioneer and philanthropist, best known for creating the online classified ads service craigslist. Craig’s full-time philanthropic work focuses on organizations on the frontlines of protecting America’s security and democracy. He has given more than $300 million in support of veterans and military families, trustworthy journalism and civic engagement campaigns, cyber security education programs, hunger relief, and pigeon rescue. Craig was influenced by his Sunday School teachers who escaped the Holocaust, set his moral compass, and taught him to treat people like you want to be treated – and how to know when enough is enough. He stepped away from the day-to-running of craigslist almost two decades ago, but he still occasionally volunteers as a customer service representative.

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Blog Post

New Study Shows Youth Could Significantly Impact 2016 Election

Folks, I recently supported the release of some research and important data about the 2016 elections.
Blog Post

10 Women in Tech Creating Real Change in 2016

Hey, I've been working some within the women in tech community, supporting women-led startups and code programs for women and girls. Lots of times, the folks in this community don't get the recognition they deserve.
Blog Post

How Women Veterans Are Succeeding in Business

Folks, I'm a big supporter of both veterans and small businesses. Recently, I heard some good news regarding women veterans success in business. According to the National Women's Business Council, there are 384,548 veteran women-owned businesses in the United States. This reflects an increase of 296% from 2007.
Blog Post

Sending 25,000 Cases of Clean Drinking Water to Flint

Yesterday I announced that the Craig Newmark Philanthropic Fund (CNPF) launched the Water for Flint campaign on CrowdRise.
Blog Post

Breaking: Help Donate 25,000 Cases of Water to Flint Residents

Folks, you probably know about the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Lots of people have no clean, safe drinking water and they're in a state of emergency. The Craig Newmark Philanthropic Fund has teamed up with CrowdRise to launch a massive Water for Flint challenge.
Blog Post

5 Quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr. That're Relevant Today

Folks, on MLK Day, it's important to remember the work that Martin Luther King, Jr. did to fight against injustice. Lots of the same issues are still a concern today, and these quotes are still timely. . . Which of Dr. King's quotes is most inspiring to you?
Blog Post

Wikipedia and the Year of Science

Folks, good news: 2016 is the Wikipedia Year of Science. While every year should be the year of science (says the old school nerd), this is a specific initiative to improve Wikipedia’s potential for communicating science to the public. Wikipedia's doing this by connecting higher ed classrooms to the publishing power of Wikipedia.
Blog Post

How $118K+ Was Raised for the Children of Military Families

Folks, by way of DonorsChoose. org, the Craig Newmark Philanthropic Fund (CNPF) donated $100K specifically to support teachers who are working with kids of military families.
Blog Post

How to Address Issues Military Families Face in the Civilian World

Folks, I'm a big supporter of Blue Star Families and am on their board. They recently released their annual Military Family Lifestyle Survey, which provides a more complete understanding of the experiences and challenges encountered by military families. Military families are much like their civilian neighbors.
Blog Post

Using Tech to Really Help Out in Kenya

Folks, if you haven’t heard about the Organic Health Response (OHR), you should check 'em out. Over the years, I've supported and watched the Ekialo Kiona Center on Mfangano Island, Kenya grow, and they've done a great job with their innovative integration of tech into community programming.