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NOTE TO JOURNALISTS:  Nowadays, most of Craig's time is spent on philanthropic work and he's not involved in craigslist day-to-day management and doesn't serve as a spokesperson for craigslist. If you are seeking information or comment related to craigslist, please contact

About Craig Newmark Philanthropies
Craig Newmark is a Web pioneer best known for creating craigslist, which he stepped away from running day-to-day two decades ago. Craig’s full-time philanthropic work focuses on supporting organizations protecting America’s security and democracy. He has given more than $300 million in support of veterans and military families, nonpartisan journalism, cyber security education programs, hunger relief, and pigeon rescue. Craig was influenced by his Sunday School teachers who escaped the Holocaust, set his moral compass, and taught him to treat people like you want to be treated – and how to know when enough is enough. He's not as funny as he thinks he is.

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In The News

The tech entrepreneurs translating their business success to philanthropy

Blog Post

5 Ways Nonprofits And Funders Can Better Connect

Folks, I get lots of requests for support, and my background in customer service is really helpful for getting back to people pretty quickly. Unfortunately, lots of orgs reach out but don't really have a specific ask in mind connected to specific outcomes.
Blog Post

How One Nonprofit Is Fighting Hunger At Its Roots

DC Central Kitchen (DCCK) really targets the cycle of hunger and poverty in an effort to throw a wrench into the vicious spiral. Each of their ventures creates opportunities for meaningful careers, access to healthy food, and tests innovative solutions to systemic failures.
Blog Post

How Animals Support America's Heroes Every Day

Hey, folks - big news: we just raised a total of $290,644 for America's heroes, including the $50K that the Craig Newmark Philanthropic Fund donated to the orgs.
Blog Post

Why I'm Supporting Military Families, Their Kids, And Teachers

Okay, sure, as a people we're forgetting how much support and respect that veterans have earned. We've never really realized how much their families have sacrificed; how they serve at home in often difficult circumstances. We also tend to forget how much respect and support teachers deserve and how little we support them.
Blog Post

5 Things Nonprofits Should Be Doing On Social Media

Folks, I work with nonprofits who are fighting for really good causes, and sometimes they're so busy that they forget to engage online. The thing is, their supporters aren't forgetting to sign into their social networks and scroll through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
Blog Post

How Service Dogs Are Changing Veterans' Lives

The American Heroes Charity Challenge is running right now in an effort to give money to the organizations working hard to support the people who are risking their lives for our country, and their families.
Blog Post

How You Can Support America's Heroes And Help Them Win $50K

Folks, the American Heroes Charity Challenge has officially launched and can either give money to your favorite nonprofit helping America's heroes, or raise up to $50K for your nonprofit. You can still sign up.
Blog Post

How Two Neighbors Shared Much More Than Wifi And Helped An International Community

Craig Newmark and Organic Health Response come full circle 8 years later After a chance meeting at a San Francisco coffee shop eight years ago, the founder of craigslist took a chance on a dreamer with a big idea.
Blog Post

Avoiding Inequity By Giving Youth A Voice

All youth deserve to have a voice on issues that matter to them. Unfortunately, research continues to show that this ideal is not achieved for millions of young people. CIRCLE is committed to helping organizations and governments use research and data to improve civic life and close gaps in opportunities for civic engagement.