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NOTE TO JOURNALISTS:  Nowadays, most of Craig's time is spent on philanthropic work and he's not involved in craigslist day-to-day management and doesn't serve as a spokesperson for craigslist. If you are seeking information or comment related to craigslist, please contact

About Craig Newmark Philanthropies
Craig Newmark is a Web pioneer best known for creating craigslist, which he stepped away from running day-to-day two decades ago. Craig’s full-time philanthropic work focuses on supporting organizations protecting America’s security and democracy. He has given more than $300 million in support of veterans and military families, nonpartisan journalism, cyber security education programs, hunger relief, and pigeon rescue. Craig was influenced by his Sunday School teachers who escaped the Holocaust, set his moral compass, and taught him to treat people like you want to be treated – and how to know when enough is enough. He's not as funny as he thinks he is.

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Archived posts for "2018" | Newsroom

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"We Really Should Do Something." How a Tech Giver Emerged as a Top Champion of Veterans

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Craig Newmark’s New Hit List

Press Release

Report for America and partners announce panel on trust and media at South by Southwest

Boston, Mass. November 27, 2018 — At a pivotal time for local journalism in the public interest, Report for America and its partners at Craig Newmark Philanthropies, Civil Foundation and Mississippi Today are proud to announce a panel at South by Southwest (SXSW) in March, titled "The Battle of Disinformation vs. Local News.
Press Release

Craig Newmark Philanthropies gives $200k to American Press Institute to support research and convening on journalism ethics

Craig Newmark Philanthropies, the organization of craigslist founder Craig Newmark, has donated $200,000 to the American Press Institute to expand its efforts of promoting ethical reporting and helping journalists produce trustworthy work.
In The News

CraigNewmark Philanthropies Donates $1.6M to Help Launch Aspen Institute Technology & Cybersecurity Policy Initiatives

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Craig Newmark gives $5 million to vets, continuing his charitable spending spree

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Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Receives Transformational $5 Million Gift from Craig Newmark

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Comedy stars honor wounded military veterans at New York event

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Craig Newmark Philanthropies Gives $118K to Cybercrime Support Network

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Thank You, Craig Newmark!