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NOTE TO JOURNALISTS:  Nowadays, most of Craig's time is spent on philanthropic work and he's not involved in craigslist day-to-day management and doesn't serve as a spokesperson for craigslist. If you are seeking information or comment related to craigslist, please contact

About Craig Newmark Philanthropies
Craig Newmark is a Web pioneer best known for creating craigslist, which he stepped away from running day-to-day two decades ago. Craig’s full-time philanthropic work focuses on supporting organizations protecting America’s security and democracy. He has given more than $300 million in support of veterans and military families, trustworthy journalism and civic engagement campaigns, cyber security education programs, hunger relief, and pigeon rescue. Craig was influenced by his Sunday School teachers who escaped the Holocaust, set his moral compass, and taught him to treat people like you want to be treated – and how to know when enough is enough. He's not as funny as he thinks he is.

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Archived posts for "2016" | Newsroom

In The News

Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, gives $1M to Wikipedia’s future

Blog Post

Why Wikipedia Could Become the People’s Newspaper of Record

Folks, Wikipedia is a record of what happened and what is happening in the world, and we need that historical record to make good decisions. To help out, I just donated $1 million to the Wikimedia Endowment, a collective action fund set up this year by the Wikimedia Foundation at the Tides Foundation.
Blog Post

A 6-Year Journey – Overcoming Barriers to Tech and Community Radio in Western Kenya

Six years ago, Richard Magerenge, Director of the Ekialo Kiona ICT Center on Mfangano Island, Kenya, began the journey to provide an open source platform for community engagement, discussion and freedom of expression using information community technology (ICT) and community radio.
Blog Post

10 Feathered Coworkers Who Inspire craigslist Customer Service

Folks, I get lots of feathered and furried visitors to my home office, pretty much year-round. The missus and I have taken up photographing them, as you may have noticed.
Blog Post

How You Can Support America's Heroes This Month

Hey, I'm a big supporter of veterans and milfams, and the orgs that help 'em out. One way that the Craig Newmark Philanthropic Fund supports them each year is through the Veterans Charity Challenge.
Blog Post

New Study Reveals If Social Media Is Empowering or Silencing Political Expression

Hey, lots of folks seemed to have noticed that people have been pretty aggressive toward each other online during this presidential campaign. I figure this is probably an important thing to pay attention to, and I'm contributing to specific efforts to help deal with the problem of online harassment.
Blog Post

10 Women Tech Leaders Vie for $50K and Funding at Women Startup Challenge at LinkedIn

Folks, many of you know that I support women in tech as an initiative, but more specifically, Women Who Tech's Women Startup Challenge. The Craig Newmark Philanthropic Fund partnered with them to award $50K to the winner of the Challenge.
Blog Post

Here's How to Give Back to America by Giving Local

Hey, giving back to local businesses is a really good way to support local economies, and help out to causes that're important. Give Local America is a 24-hour crowdfunding event, beginning on May 3, 2016 and running from 12:00am – 11:59pm EST.
Blog Post

3 Suggestions From a News Consumer To Improve Today's News

I’ve been quietly chatting with editors, publishers, and journalists for over a decade, hearing the same concerns (and not generally not for attribution). Me, I’m only a news consumer, I just want news I can trust.
Blog Post

Will You #Help1Family On Giving Day April 21?

Hey, the American Red Cross is holding its nationwide Giving Day on Thursday, April 21. This is the real deal, and it's a great way to help out families who have been affected by disaster or emergencies.